The cycle of rational action

The cycle of rational action

The insights - or farmer's wisdom - in a nutshell. 1. what holds the world together. The feedback on one's own actions. 2. the reversal effect - my counterpart, that is me. 3. the mirror of my thinking and acting is myself. 4. unreasonable thinking...
Anyway... a shelf is a shelf. Isn't it?

Anyway... a shelf is a shelf. Isn't it?

Storage equipment includes two terms: shelving technology and storage technology, in a broader sense also material flow technology. The 3 dimensions of a shelf (length, depth and height) do not meet the requirements of a detailed and well thought-out shelving system.
Man as the (im)measure of all things.

Man as the (im)measure of all things.

Every CO₂ molecule in the atmosphere is happy about every ray of sunlight reflected back from the earth and blasts it back at us ... so that we can be even warmer down here ... and warmer and warmer and warmer. And more warmth also means more water vapour in...
What a pandemic has taught us

What a pandemic has taught us

Whether you're a trade fair visitor or an exhibitor, you know what it's like: a chat over a coffee (and a bit of product gossip too), "here's my V-card", "send me your catalogue", "come and see us...", "come and see us", "come and see us", "come and see us!
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