If such systems are replaced by unimaginative loveless If a work of art is produced by assembling carelessly manufactured components in order to achieve only certain minimum functions (often in disregard of copyright aspects), a craftsman will rarely mock such inferiority. However, his motivation and thus the quality of his work and the economic output will be characterised by a subliminal lack of enthusiasm.
In addition to criteria that we take for granted, such as
- most careful processing
- Durability with unlimited service life
- and innovative functionality
the imperative of the hour follows from the realisation described above: the A love of creative detail in the manufacture of such systems!
Technical creativity is what gives a product its well-rounded industrial design with an appealing, harmonious look and ergonomically favourable, user-friendly feel. When handling the product, the operator unconsciously feels a sense of well-being - we call it product philosophy.
This is essential for us to ensure the perfection of a product.
As creative engineers (Latin for inventors with ingenuity), we therefore also see ourselves as artists, combining the competent ingenuity of a qualified specialist engineer with the aesthetic sensitivity of an artist, dead products the lively radiance of a Soul to lend. This is exactly what will not leave a worker untouched in his motivation.
As a customer, you are not just investing in a simple commodity that fulfils the most necessary functions for a certain period of time, but in a technical work of art with lasting value, from which a worker in symbiotic harmony can create a lasting increase in motivation and enjoyment of the work flow.
Steel is the material that is given the technical-creative form of usefulness through our ideas. In order to express our storemaster® mentality and to understand our engineering craft as a designer, we have decided to make steel art.
Steel installations of art objects, sculptures, monuments and the like can be found on the storemaster® factory premises, both now and in the future from our own workshop on social issues and concerns that move us mentally and also influence the importance of our company.
Your Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Karl Artur Paul
- Managing Director storemaster GmbH & Co. KG -