ArmStrong® simplissimo® long goods storage system

Swivel shelf for crane operation
with swivelling storage levels with 1.5t load capacity each

20 years warranty

from 7.635,00

Delivery time: 8-10 weeks

Material access by crane and manually with extremely high storage density Flexible universal system for compartment loads of up to 2,000 kg - child's play to operate
Storage lengths from 2 to 18 m

Delivery: Free delivery within Germany, block-mounted ready for operation

Simplissimo® - storage convenience

Effortless loading of individual shelf levels with long goods by swivelling out the required level in seconds.

Optional system components

Please select from the options provided. The system price will be adjusted automatically.

Plug-in bolts for shelf supports and material tray inserts Ø 20 mm for subdividing the shelf depth in 75 mm increments.

Usable depth can be subdivided from 75 : 75 mm using insertion bars and pins, infinitely variable subdivision in tray length, with edge protection, galvanised, tray length 2,000/2,500 mm (upright spacing + 500 mm), tray height 80 mm, incl. 4 insertion bars and 20 pins for individual compartment subdivision.

Above the swivelling levels for forklift operation, cannot be swivelled out, height-adjustable in a plug-in grid of 75 : 75 mm, at any overall shelf height.

Artikelnummer: simplissimo Category:


Taking the invention a step further: Swivelling for crane operation, now also for light material up to 2,000 kg.

The storage levels can be swivelled out in a matter of seconds and are available to the user for operation by crane or by hand.
The Simplissimo requires little effort and no additional operating equipment, making it ideal for all types of long goods.

Regardless of whether you are storing individual bars or whole bar, profile or tube bundles. Shafts, rollers, axles, masts, boxes and sheet metal strips in any length are no obstacle. With the right accessories, you can also store residual lengths, heavy tools, circular blanks, machine components or heavy-duty piece goods.

Numerous extensions and customisations round off the system.
The optimum solution for every application.

  • Operation with minimum traction by hand
  • Manual access with maximum storage density
  • Any shelf height division from 100 mm+x*75 mm pluggable on the total height of 2,100 mm
  • Optimum usable depths of 500/750/1000 mm can be subdivided in a 50:50 mm plug-in grid
  • Free vertical access to the stored goods and thus craneable
  • Longitudinal and end removal of individual bars
  • single and double sided
  • Swivel direction left or right
  • Residual length storage in material troughs

We have compiled the following downloads for this product:

Long goods storage - System planning - Guidelines for system selection

Long goods storage - System planning - Guidelines for system selection

Welding certificate according to EN 1090-1 + EN 1090-2_certificate

Welding certificate according to EN 1090-1 + EN 1090-2_certificate

Accessories included:

  • storeboy Rolling step
  • Telescopic grab hook

Passendes Zubehör


storemaster GmbH & Co. KG
Reihekamp 1
30890 Barsinghausen

Verantwortliche Person in der EU

Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Karl Artur Paul

Quantity discount
From a value of goods ≥ 5000€ you will receive an individual quantity discount. Simply add the selected product to the shopping basket.
Does not apply to already reduced offers.

You can find more information on calculating quantity discounts and payment methods here:

Shipping conditions
Within Germany goods value < 5000€ flat rate shipping costs 250€
Free delivery within Germany from goods value ≥ 5000€ CIP
Within the EU EXW ex works
Outside the EU EXW ex works plus 5% foreign flat rate
You can find more information about the shipping conditions here:
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