

ArmStrong® SwingOut - For more flexibility

With our ArmStrong® SwingOut your long goods storage becomes much more flexible. The storage system is THE solution for optimal storage! Because with the ArmStrong® SwingOut the cantilever arms can be retracted and extended manually or electrically. With one "swing", everyone in the warehouse has easier access to the goods without having to use force. And - nomen est omen - the "strong" cantilever arms easily carry the heaviest loads.

What is the function of the ArmStrong® SwingOut?

  • The unique selling point of the storage system is the swing-out cantilever arms or storage levels.
  • The cantilever arms can be swivelled out and in again by hand or electrically with minimal tractive force. No matter how heavy the stored goods are. This means that storage and retrieval takes place in a matter of seconds, which increases productivity in the warehouse.
  • The access is vertically free, which is why the ArmStrong® SwingOut can be loaded and unloaded without any problems by forklift truck or crane - both lengthwise and from the front.
  • The system is available with cantilever arms that can be extended on one or both sides.
  • The shelf heights can be divided as required from 125 to 500 millimetres.
  • The useful depths for storage can also be selected in four stages from 500 to 1000 millimetres.

What is the ArmStrong® SwingOut?

Its name is perhaps not without reason reminiscent of the swing legend Louis Armstrong. The "strong arms" can be swung out with verve, so that everyone in the camp can reach the long goods in seconds and in the twinkling of an eye.

As a long goods storage rack, the ArmStrong® SwingOut used in every warehouse. Construction companies store their beams, boards or bars on them. Plumbers use the racks to store pipes or profiles. In the building materials trade, they hold the heaviest stored goods. But these storage systems are also used in DIY shops or wholesale shops. They offer customers a quick overview of the stock.

As a cantilever long goods rack, the ArmStrong® SwingOut predestined for long goods to be stored horizontally. The goods can be stored loose, in bundles or in cassettes. With its swivelling arms, the rack reduces the time and effort needed for storage and retrieval and thus contributes to higher productivity in the warehouse.

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