And more heat also means more water vapour in the atmosphere, which really escalates the heat build-up. Humans degrade to the status of hothouse plants. The dubious pleasure will then remain with him for a few hundred years. Our descendants will remember us fondly because we wanted to play a trick on nature and its balanced system; a perfect boomerang.
So how much CO₂ do we need before we run out of air? Or to stew in our own juices because we have underestimated the unforeseeable but incalculable environmental consequences?
Every morning we open our eyes and say to ourselves: would you like a little more?
Is man a rational being?
If he did, he wouldn't consume for all he's worth.
Take, for example, oxygenating trees: degraded by the millions year after year to make disposable wooden pallets for transporting sheet metal; and then: off they go in the container to the incinerator to produce carbon dioxide and water vapour.
Great, that's a wrap.
There is another way to have it (for the exception of rational contemporaries)!
storemaster® shows the way:
with the load carrier for sheet metal packages in unlimited permanent use already at the decoiling lines of the sheet metal service centres!
If you only want to, the euroflat® - awarded the >Blue Angel< - is ready for it.
At the same time storemaster® The euroflat® is a cost-effective sheet metal storage system that enables exemplary warehousing safely and with a high storage density.
Empty pallets are collected and returned to the sheet metal supplier for reloading on the next sheet metal delivery with the same truck. Each pallet is receipted on receipt. In this way, the right of ownership is maintained in circulation.
If the pallet remains longer than 3 months, € 300.00 (as of 01.01.2021) per pallet will be charged by the owner. In the exceptional case of a destroyed pallet storemaster® for a free exchange.
Make a start and join in! The earth will thank you with its recovery - the basis for your quality of life!
Your Dipl.-Ing. Dieter Karl Artur Paul
- Managing Director storemaster GmbH & Co. KG -
EuroTower® incl. universal system exchange pallet
The new HighLight of sheet metal storage technology - wood-free for ever, cost-decimated
patent (DBGM) simply ingenious universal - for any application
currently: contra steel prices with the super crisis discount (who knows how much longer)
to the special offer: Sheet metal storage climate-neutral for less money