

CoilStore® - the patented system for coil storage
When you think of "coils", you think of round heavy-duty rolls and coils of metal. But with the term "hammock" you surely associate lightness. And yet, with the CoilStore, the two go together in an ingenious way.

At CoilStore® store any coil weighing up to 10 t on two heavy-duty risers. And this according to a hammock-like principle for which storemaster holds a patent. Heavy load meets light handling!

What is a Coilstore®?

In a CoilStore® or coil storage, as the name suggests, coils are stored. It is therefore a storage device or a kind of shelving system. But to get out of the German jargon for a moment: What do we actually mean by coils?

Coil is the English term for spool. In German industrial usage, coils stand for coiled metal or sheet metal strips, especially for steel strip coils. Coils are often made of hand-coated metal such as steel or aluminium. Usually, coils consist of raw materials that are further processed. In addition, the term coils also refers to metal wire coils.

As a storage or processing company, you must store coils with particular care. A storage system for coils should prevent unevenness, material compression, ovalisation or other damage from occurring due to the weight of the goods or external influences. These damages can lead to repair costs and effort or even make the coils unusable.

The system CoilStore® from storemaster® guarantees this safety. And if the coils are delivered to you - as is often the case - on wooden pallets? No reloading necessary: storemaster offers you a complementary system for further storage on pallets.

What are the advantages of a CoilStore®?

A coil bearing should be designed in such a way that no expensive material damage such as pressure marks, compression or flattening occurs. The innovative system CoilStore® from storemaster® prevents this with its patented bearing strap take-up system. As described above - according to the hammock principle.

Thanks to its heavy-duty storage belts, the system is highly variable. You can store coils of the most varied diameters. The flexible belts adapt to the size of the coils and maintain their smooth, round shape.

CoilStore® can be loaded and unloaded from two sides, either with the forklift or the carrying mandrel. Since you store the coils on top of each other, you save space and optimise the material flow in the warehouse thanks to the two-sided operability. You can adjust the height of the system to the height of the hall. Last but not least: CoilStore® can be used indoors and outdoors.

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